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Judul Problem of Quality and Excellence In Education /D.D. Aggarwal
Pengarang Aggarwal, D.D.
Aggarwal, D.D.
EDISI edisi 1
Penerbitan New Delhi :Sarup & Sons,2005
Deskripsi Fisik 406 halaman : 22 cm
ISBN 8176255513
Subjek teknologi informasi -- perpustakaan digital -- perpustakaan perguruan tinggi - india -- technology information -- digital libraries -- library, higher education - india -- libraries, aplications
Bahasa Inggris
Bentuk Karya Buku Teks Umum
Target Pembaca Umum

No Barcode No. Panggil Akses Lokasi Ketersediaan
07/00438 370 AGG p Dapat dipinjam Perpustakaan Universitas Terbuka - Lobby Lantai 1 Tersedia
Tag Ind1 Ind2 Isi
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100 0 # $a Aggarwal, D.D.
20 # # $a 8176255513
245 1 # $a Problem of Quality and Excellence In Education /$c D.D. Aggarwal
250 # # $a edisi 1
260 # # $a New Delhi :$b Sarup & Sons,$c 2005
300 # # $a 406 halaman : $c 22 cm
35 # # $a 0010-1018019851
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650 # # $a teknologi informasi -- perpustakaan digital -- perpustakaan perguruan tinggi - india -- technology information -- digital libraries -- library, higher education - india -- libraries, aplications
7 ta
700 0 # $a Aggarwal, D.D.
8 181017###########################0#eng##
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84 # # $a 370 AGG p
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